

There are times when we experience the vibrant flow of life and are part of the beautiful complex dance of this human journey. And then there are times when we experience blocks or sharp edges that can feel stuck or unbearable. 

 My intention is to create a slow, safe, intentional space that allows the layers of these blocks and edges to unfold and help us move toward what we are most wanting to experience in our life. My work is informed by my studies and practice of Somatic Experiencing, breathwork, early childhood trauma, Inner Child work, Non-Violent Communication and men's work.

I provide support in the following areas:


Somatic oriented trauma work for individuals, couples and families.

Psychedelic Somatic

Somatic oriented trauma work that includes low doses of psychedlics to assist involuntary material to emerge.


This is a space for parents and children to explore what they are most wanting to experience in their family and discover how they can support that

Home Education Support

This works is a chance to unravel what education truly means for the goals and growth of a person. The answers are unique for each family. 

 This work will explore what is most important to the process of learning, both for the child and the parent.


I offer men’s work to explore the challenges of growing up and being a man in our society. This is a very important and rich topic. The work I offer looks at communication, power dynamics, judgments, and our relationship to our emotions, while strengthening a solid sense of positive masculinity.